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#TBT to DTS (Taylor Wessing at Dublin Tech Summit)

A quick throwback two weeks ago when Ameer Gazder and I hit Dublin Tech Summit (DTS) hard for a couple of highly educational days. 

A few takeaways:

  • If it's not AI-powered it may as well not exist right now. Talking about a business as ‘AI-driven' is increasingly like talking about a business as being ‘internet-powered’ (a phrase that I used to hear at the start of my career). While it's true that AI can add value in every sector and organisation, the adopting of AI solutions comes with challenges of its own. Businesses contemplating AI-washing (selling themselves as AI powered when in fact there is little machine learning going on) should be careful that they don't face a miss selling claim from customers or an embarrassing conversation with a potential investor. 
  • Ireland is getting serious about cyber. When I was first practicing in the realm of data and cyber there was limited interest from the UK and very little from Ireland. That has all changed now. So many interesting cyber security businesses attended DTS, most of them home grown. Cyber security presents huge opportunities for Ireland and it is great to see those embraced. 
  • Funding can be a burden as well as a blessing. A few really interesting sessions reminded us of the potential value of bootstrapping vs early stage investment. As a data and tech lawyer I have seen what goes wrong when founders hand over too much too early to investors but while retaining your equity may be the ideal scenario, it is often easier said than done. We heard some great practical tips from the stage.  
  • SexTech leads the way. Over the course of my career I have advised a surprisingly large number of sex-related businesses (of course sex sells everything, but I am speaking literally). One of the things that has always impressed me about those clients, aside from how happy they all are, is how seriously they take data privacy and customer care. When it comes to leading by example on data security and customer safeguarding in the context of AI use, SexTech businesses are ahead of the game and we heard from several at DTS. 
  • IKEA is great and increasingly digital (#NOTSPON, #NOAD). One of my favourite sessions featured Sara El Alami of IKEA talking about the amazing ways in which the IKEA showroom can manifest virtually (then physically) in shoppers own homes. As an IKEA obsessive I was very excited to hear about ways I can spend even more time redesigning my home. The meatballs remain analogue for now. 



business & professional services, technology media & communications, information technology, private equity, venture capital, artificial intelligence & machine learning, ai, exit strategies venture capital, exit strategies private equity, gdpr compliance, new digital products & data, start-up advice