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UK biotech goes stateside: supporting One Nucleus' Boston Bootcamp 2024

The week of the Great One Nucleus Boston Bootcamp has finally arrived! Very excited to be in Boston with Ross McNaughton, Sarah Cole, Tony Jones, Alicia Gailliez and the rest of the One Nucleus team to support the competition winners as they build their networks in the ‘other Cambridge’ and wider Boston. Congratulations to the amazing UK biotechs who are flying the flag for the UK ecosystem: Carocell Bio, ENHANC3D GENOMICS, ikarovec and STORM Therapeutics Limited.

Highlights on the agenda include:

  • Overview of the MA life sciences sector by Ben Bradford, MassBio.
  • Support available to UK companies, including incentivizing investment by Jeanne LeClair, Mass Life Sciences Centre.
  • Raising investment from US investors (including a deep dive on US VC term sheets and deal structures) by Ross McNaughton (Taylor Wessing) and Tim Ehrlich (Gunderson Dettmer).
  • Networking with Boston-based biotech VCs and other key players in the Boston ecosystem.

The only thing missing seems to be a Tea Party…


life sciences & healthcare, patents & innovation, venture capital, biotech