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M&A Summit

We're now just a few days away from the Taylor Wessing M&A Summit 2024. 

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the Rosewood London to discuss the global M&A landscape and what's going on in the current deal market. 

We've got a fantastic panel - with Rob Donaldson, CEO of RSM UK, Philip Bowcock, Executive Chair of Eurochange, and James McBride, Managing Director of Forefront Advisers - joining us to discuss recent developments. 

The rest of the afternoon is equally packed, with sessions on topical issues including: 

  • how to sell your business 
  • the nuances of UK and US M&A 
  • what to look out for when investing in AI. 

If you'd like to join us, there's still time! We still have a few places left - if you'd like to come, please register here.  

I hope to see you on Thursday for what's sure to be a fantastic event.  


corporate m&a & capital markets