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Getting your house in order - the power of the green lease

As the  country gets to grips with its net zero targets, the pressure is on for commercial property to get its house in order. The UK Green Building Council has estimated that the built environment contributes a massive 40% of the UK's total greenhouse gas emissions. It's a stark statistic, but the most forward-thinking landlords, tenants and investors are working together to build a brave new world from the bottom up. 

Find out more about the new generation of green leases, and how they could help your business.   

The contents of any green lease will clearly differ quite dramatically depending on asset class and property layout. However, before the wolf huffs, puffs and catches property owners out, it will pay reputationally - and in operational efficiency terms - to get ahead of the game by prioritising sustainability in property leases.


real estate & infrastructure, real estate & construction, environmental social & governance esg, esg, real estate acquisition & investment, real estate development