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Template DMA compliance report published

The European Commission has published the template for the annual compliance report that gatekeepers will need to submit under the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA). These reports have to contain all the relevant information needed by the Commission to assess compliance with Articles 5-7 of the DMA in relation to all core platform services listed in the designation decision.

While the template looks an innocuous nine pages, it asks for 'exhaustive explanations' and 'specific information', lists and reports on a huge range of issues. The compliance exercise will be a mammoth task, even for such large and well-prepared businesses. So far, six gatekeepers and 22 core platform services have been designated - Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft. They now have until 7 March 2024 to submit their first reports, after which the Commission will publish a non-confidential summary.      

The gatekeepers designated on 6 September 2023 will need to submit the first reports by 7 March 2024.


technology media & communications, competition eu & trade, competition compliance